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1 Nov

How we protect ourselves during winter

Iwas curious what appears on the net when searching “how we protect ourselves during winter” and the first two results were about vaccines, some hair ideas, followed by  “common sense” advice to quit smoking, as it is button on and off depending on the season, and then back to pills and vaccines.

No article talking about the real prevention. I will not plea against conventional medicine. I used it, I use it when necessary, but I don’t abuse it.

One of the things that I hate about traditional medicine is that you teach the body to be lazy. They developed a bacteria first, a disease, then of course came the antidote. They speculated peoples fear of pain greatly. And so they created a pill for every type of pain, that they promote with mega marketing campaigns.

Dears our body is a very smart machine, the smartest (that’s why we geniuses who create exceptional things, but bad things for money). So you have to listen to your body and sometimes leave it to recover without the help of so many chemicals.

Do not stay at home to die, without taking a pill, but do not take pills from the first symptoms.

And now that I did an intro so long about my personal beliefs, now tell you what I use natural treatments in winter.

As I said in the video a 10 days sea buckthorn cure with lemon juice, ginger juice, honey, pollen or tincture. All we have from the bees is excellent. Manuka honey has some special properties.

A sea buckthorn has the highest concentration of vitamin C concentration, 10 more than citrus. I use frozen fruit or powder from Vegis, when I’m on the run or not home.

Another excellent antioxidant is turmeric, which I recommend you to use it in various dishes. Don’t be afraid to abuse it. In a future episode I will show a turmeric beverage used to treat many diseases.

For cough I make my children a very effective onion & honey syrup. Grated onion mixed with honey let it to leave juice, which is administered several times a day. I honestly tell you that in 2-3 days my kids get rid of the cough.

For sore throats the best anesthetic and disinfectant is the propolis tincture.

And last but not least, use ginger with confidence. As a spice or tea, it boosts your immunity and fights against colds. Ginger tea with garlic is the best thing, it immediately helps me when I have a cold.

It does not happen very often, but when I am very stressed and tired my immunity decreases. Fortunately I come back from it very quickly and do not lie around in bed all day.

When it comes to stress, I’m not in the best position to give advice, because I stress myself too much. But we must have a balance in all, because as I said, our body is a machine that needs all things on track, not to crack.

Let’s be healthy this winter!


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